Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 69-- 30 days to go!!

Day 69---30 more days to go!!! Black leather cork wedges by Nine West. I think this marks the second time I've ever worn these. I don't love them for some reason. But I thought I would pretend it was Summer today and wear a skirt and sandals. Didn't really help though, I froze my buns off!

Phase 1 of Operation Clean Closet is complete! I have brought in my very sturdy clothes rack that I bought many years ago from my retail days and purchased more hanging shoe racks. I organized all my heels and flats in the racks. I did all of this while John was at work and I fully expected him to flip out and make me come up with a different idea especially since this all sits on the wall opposite his side of the bed. But low and behold, he loves it! I think part of the reason is because he has #1 more room in the closet and #2 has his own old hanging shoe rack back finally! So now I am on to the closet which isn't that bad. I had to buy more hangers and I am left to make room for tennis shoes, boots and flip flops...oh and hats (which I have a pretty good collection of also). Hopefully I will be done tomorrow. Here is a picture of my rack...(get your mind out of the gutter! SHOE rack!) Some flats are doubled up and I think there are a few shoes missing because I wasn't completely finished putting them away yet.

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