Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 63-- I may need help....

Day 63---Lavender Snakeskin heels by Nine West. They have a bit of metallic sheen to them. I haven't worn these in forever! I forgot how much I like them.

I am starting a HUGE project tonight. It may take me a few days to complete and will require much sweat equity. I am cleaning and organizing my closet! AGAIN! I clean it all the time, but it just won't stay clean. John is slowly getting inched out and my stuff is taking over not only the closet, but the whole bedroom. I am tempted to bring in the clothing rack I have stashed in the garage that I bought from Jay Jacobs when I worked there many eons ago! I am enclosing some before pictures. I am horrified to have anyone see these but I thought this would keep me honest. If you don't hear from me in 24 hours send paramedics!
My dresser is overloaded with folded clothes with nowhere to go!

Look at that pile of shoes...Yikes!

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