Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 57-- Mother of the Year? Let's get serious...

Day 57---Nude leather mules by Merona. I think I paid less than $10 for these at Target a few years ago when they had an after Fall Clearance. I don't wear them very often but they do seem to go with everything and are relatively comfortable.

Two exciting things about today...#1...I am going to take the suggestion of my friend Brooke Maher and organizing my shoes and tagging the shoes I've already worn. She gave me the great idea of marking the bottom of the shoe with tape so I don't lose track. So with blue painter's tape in hand I am ready to tackle the pile of shoes that are overtaking my bedroom. I do have a request that comes with this task. After this little adventure is over and I am back to wearing all my shoes again, if you see me walking around town with a piece of blue tape stuck to the bottom of my shoe please be a peach and tell me!!! and now on to #2...The kids go back to school tomorrow!!! I know with that many exclamation marks it may seem that I'm really excited for them to be out of the house....That's because I am! I love the sweet Dears to the Moon and back, but really? 4 kids home from school for 3 weeks when it's been rainy and 30 degrees outside? I think we've all gotten on each other's nerves. I know that admitting that is going to ruin my chances of getting the Mother of the Year Award, but let's be honest, I wasn't even in the running.

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