Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 60--Anyone out there??

Day 60---Whew! White Diesel tennies. I'm not a big tennis shoe girl but I love these. You can slip them on and go. I debated whether to post the shoes I put on this morning to go Drew's BB game (these) or the shoes I'm going to wear tonight to go out with my girlfriends. These won out! We'll save the heels for another day.

I was sitting at my eight year old son Drew's basketball game this morning watching a group of girls that came in getting ready for the next game to start. Looking at them I guessed that for the most part they were 7th to 8th graders. What amazed me was to see the explosion of labels. Girls walking by me wearing Rock & Republic jeans, North Face jackets and Ugg boots carrying Coach purses while sipping their Starbuck's coffee....WHAT???? It didn't shock me so much to see all the labels, you see that everyday. But mostly you see that on grown women. What amazed me was to remember back to when I grew up and realize that you would have never seen that. Sure, there was the lucky girls that would get the designer jeans but back then those were relatively cheap considering the prices of designer jeans today. I have a stack of old letters that my Mom kept that were addressed from me to my Grandparents in Arizona. In every letter I am thanking them for the money they sent me for either my Birthday or Christmas and how I was going to use the money to buy a piece of clothing. In one letter I am thanking my Grandma for the money for my Birthday and that I had used it to buy a pair of Guess jeans. My parents would have never spent money for designer clothes for me back then. If we wanted something like that we had to buy it ourselves. That's why I got a job in High School, so I could buy my own clothes! I have to say I am also guilty of indulging my kids in the same way as I am observing in those girls today. For example, my boys love Nike and I try to thriftily (not sure that's a word, but you know what I mean!) buy what they like. Seth went through a faze of only wearing Volcom, Etnies and all those Boarder labels. You want to make your kids happy and help them fit in. My question is, at what point do we say no? Enough is enough? I don't want my kids to be a walking advertisement for overindulgence. Lord help me when Emilia is at that point of demanding designer labels. With they way she loves clothes...I will officially be bankrupt! My only hope is that we wear the same size. I guess it's a fine line. Trying to teach our kids to be thankful for what they have, working for what they want and not placing all their value in their appearance. I know that's ironic coming from a kook with an abnormal amount of shoes, but you know what I mean. We all want people to like us for who we are and not what we look like.

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