Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 59--Let's put the squeeze on this one!

Day 59---Black and Pewter Leather woven slides by Enzo Angiolini. Have a good weekend!!

I know I'm starting to show my age when I start thinking about things like Botox, Tummy Tucks, Body Slimmers and Teeth Whiteners. The thought of using or doing any of those things used to make make cringe. That was 15 years and 4 kids ago! I don't want to look young forever. I've seen those ladies walking through the mall that look like they have a rubber band under their hairline keeping their face in place and raided their teenage daughter's closet. I guess I just want to look the best I can look at 37. I'm not to the point of wanting Botox, but the idea no longer disgusts me either. I see the value in it as long as it's not over done. I wouldn't want my lips so plumped up that I couldn't drink out of a straw! There may come a time when I try it. Why not if it makes you feel better about yourself? Now onto Body Slimmers....Wow! Have you seen the market? Women are obviously buying because the market is flooded with all kinds of contraptions. I hear even one of the ladies from The Real Housewives of New York is starting her own line. I think they're great. Wonderful way to smooth out all those bumps and bends in the road! Now Teeth Whiteners have been around for a long time. But to be honest I haven't found any that really work. My Dad has the whitest teeth I know so I had to ask him what he uses. I thought he made his own formula using baking soda but he actually stumbled across a product that really works. It's made by a company called Dr. Georges and used to be available at Walgreen's. It since has been discontinued there and can only be bought online. Their website is  After hearing that even my Dad's dentist asked him what he's been using I am definitely going to be trying it! Here's to growing old gracefully!!

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