Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 53-- Get your New Year on!

Day 53---Gold leather cutout heels by Steve Madden. As you can guess, they take some experience to walk in, but I love them! Love them so much I have 2 pairs. The first pair that I bought ended up being too big and I bought a smaller second pair when I found then much less expensive. So if anyone likes these and wears a size 10 let me know and you are welcome to have my other pair!!

It's officially 1-1-11....The beginning of a new year!! This is the time of year when everyone starts their New Year's resolutions, including me. In the past they usually have had to do with being healthy, losing weight or getting in shape. I always have good intentions of following through. But I don't know if it's age or wisdom, I'm okay with who I am. I'm not blind to my obvious physical flaws. I don't like them, but I've come to appreciate what my body does for me and have come to a realization that I don't need to look like the cover of a magazine to be acceptable. I will never be that so instead of never being satisfied I am going to embrace who am and be the best I can be. I love the saying " I'm not where I want to be, but at least I'm not where I was". So instead of that typical resolution I have two new ones that I am focusing on this year. My first is to be more organized. For those who know me well know that I am always struggling with organization. I seemed to miss that gene when God knitted me together. I live a day to day existence when it comes to life and with a busy family of 6 I need to get serious about getting organized. The second resolution is to stop listening to the negative thoughts that seem to seep into my thoughts. That my sound weird and I guess it is a little. But sometimes it's so easy to believe the negative things we think about ourselves than the positive things. I want to focus on the positive and let the negative go. That is not an easy task for me. Even to accept a compliment from others is hard, so this is going to be an exercise in strength for me. I don't mean this to sound Self-Helpish or anything only a practice of positivity. I'm looking forward to a great year. I hope you are too!

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