Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 82---And the beat goes on....

Day 82---Black, White and Aqua Nike LunarTrainers. Not that I'm comfort conscious, but these are maybe the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn! Like I said yesterday, I think my camera is dying. I hope it has 17 days left in it. I hope I have 17 days left in ME!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 81--Blow your nose on this!

Day 81---Black leather strappy heels by Bandolino. Loving that I can wear sandals today and it's actually SUNNY!!

I went shopping with my girlfriend Vanessa yesterday and found something fun at the "undergarment" store that was fun and out of the ordinary. A cute package of tissue that I am going to have a hard time actually blowing my nose into! I didn't get want I went in there for, but a got a fabulous pack of hankies.  FYI...I think my camera is going out!! I guess 81 days of constant use is taking it's toll...blah!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 80--It's the weekend, right?

Day 80---I'm officially a lunatic!...Leather and suede rounded-toe heeled Mary Janes by Nine West. The color is really pretty. They are a purplish gray taupe if that makes sense. They don't look it, but are really comfortable and easy to walk in. I'm working on a story for my blog for later, if I can get it together. Have a great day!

Update: 7:44pm  No blog story....Sorry....Shoezilla was too busy....too stressed....But on a happy note, I  had about 3 minutes to myself in the minivan today driving home from the grocery store when a great song came on the radio. I cranked it up and sang along out loud and I swear for those 3 minutes I forgot that I was a married mother of four children driving a minivan....It was a great 3 minutes....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 79---Embrace your crazy

Day 79---Time to switch things up!! Purple Birkenstocks!! I got these a few months ago and My goodness do they take me back...I LOVE them...They are not glamorous and were hard to take a somewhat decent picture of. But I love them. I wish I still had my pink ones from HS! These are for you Sarah R.!!

I guess it could be said that I have very eclectic taste in shoes. I love to mix things up. I can wear black leather 6 inch stilettos one day and purple Birkenstocks the next. I even have the tie-dyed skirt to match! That's what I love about fashion the most. You can change your looks, your feelings and how people perceive you all by changing what you wear. What fun! That's what my closet is overflowing with...FUN! That's how I express myself. Sometimes I completely bomb and sometimes I hit the mark. It's just clothes and shoes. Nothing to take too seriously. I read an article on today with Actress Helena Bonham Carter (whom I adore!!) and she was talking about how she loves fashion and taking risks...I mean, hello, she wore two different colored shoes to The Golden Globe Award Show this year!! In the article she goes on to say:
Helena Bonham Carter on Her Golden Globes Dress and Shoes
“Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can’t? I was just having fun,” says Bonham Carter. “For me, fashion is all about fantasy and putting unlikely things together. That’s what I love. I genuinely love dressing up.”

She's a complete Wack A Do, but I love her even more for it! Embrace the crazy and go for it. Maybe just not everyday...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 78--Mary Poppins Reborn!

Day 78---Gray suede Mary Jane pumps with Patent leather by b.o.c. Pure shoe love!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 77--Gotta know when to hold'em and when to wear'em!

Day 77---Black suede wedges by Jessica Simpson. They have cutouts and silver studs. They were really hard to get a good photo of. I Love them, but I'm not sure the pic does them justice. They have a good platform on them that makes them a workout to walk in, but that's good for the calves, right!? The only bad thing about these shoes is that I can't wear them in the rain. As with any suede shoe, you have to be careful about getting them wet even if you pretreat them with waterpellent. So in Oregon that leaves me with about 4 solid months out of the year that I can safely wear these without worrying about getting caught in a drizzle. Wait...Did I say 4?  One of the kids must have left some glue out...Let's make that 2 solid months out of the year. The rest of the time I'm just taking my chances with the weather. But I'm a gambling girl!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 76-- Where's YOUR crazy??

Day 76---Pony Hair animal print Platform heels by Carlos Santana. I'll totally admit they're a bit crazy, but every woman should have some crazy in her closet!!

I'm starting to count down the days....23 to be exact. I'm worried that everyone is absolutely sick and tired of seeing my silly shoes. "Oh goodness, it's Jacque and her shoes again!". I don't want to bore anyone or be the crazy shoe woman. I'm afraid there is a whole Facebook page devoted to how to block my posts!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 74--Day of Basketball games in these shoes....I deserve a medal!

Day 74---Woven black leather cork wedges by Steve Madden. Not a bad day for sandals actually!! Only 25 days to go...I can do this!

Okay, so I wasn't PLAYING basketball in these shoes, but I was a watching basketball all day in these shoes all day for my two son's basketball tournaments and if you've ever been in middle school or high school bleachers you know how fun they are too walk up and down. So yes, I believe that is an award winning skill to be able to climb up and down bleachers after a 3 year old boy in shoes of this magnitude. And guess what! I get to do it again tomorrow!! Stay tuned....

Day 73--Cinderella? I think not!

Day 73---I feel like Cinderella trying to get home from the ball by midnight, although mine was scary karaoke night in Tualatin and I didn't make it home in time and there wasn't any Prince Charming in the end. ( Sorry John, I Love you and you will always be my Knight in Shining Armor) For today I have black leather cutout heels with brass studs by Jessica Simpson. Quite a challenge to walk in, but what girl isn't up for a good challenge?! It keeps us on our toes....Literally! Goodnight Pretties!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 72---I Dream of Genie??

Day 72---Silver and pink brocade flats by Nine West. They are borderline genie shoes, but I love them! Happy Day 72!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 71-- I'm only trying to save the World one shoe at a time...

Day 71---Sage green brushed leather wedges by Unisa. Definitely warm weather sandals! I am dreaming of 80 degree sun with just a hint of breeze. Sunglasses on and Amaretto Sour in hand. AHHHHH....and SNAP! back to reality!

So, funny thing happened the other day. And really as far as I can remember this has never happened to me before. I'm sitting there having a conversation with another mom about something totally unrelated to shoes. She was actually there to sell me Girl Scout Cookies, bless her soul! (because I love cookies!) I'm ask her a question and instead of saying the word cookies I said shoes...WHAAAATTTTT??? I kept talking, hoping she didn't catch my oopsie, but no, the look on her face told me she heard me quite clear. I'm such a weirdo I'm thinking and I'm sure she's thinking also. What is my problem? Am I an addict? or am I thinking about this blog too much? I don't know what the deal was, but I'm sure she had a good laugh about it later. I think I may need to have my head checked!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 70--Am I a flip-flopper?

Day 70---Orange Gladiator sandals by Madden Girl. Never thought I would buy Orange sandals but they really are good for a pop of color. I LOVE them! and they're super comfortable. I am hoping that gladiator sandals are still as fashionable this next Summer as last so that I can get some more use out of them. As you can guess I did not wear these today. It's a veritable flood outside! I wore my black lace-up boots. Have I said before that I hate rain?!

It's funny, I know that they say it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind, but my problem is that I can't even make up my mind these days! To make a definitive decision is almost impossible. Does anyone else have that problem? I am constantly second guessing myself. Someone call Bill O'Reilly...Am I a flip-flopper? (FYI, I like Billy O.) I would like to think that at this point of  fermentation in my life I would be better equipped at making decisions. I feel that I've lived through tough experiences that have made me wiser, smarter and better at helping others. It's with my own life that I have the problem with stepping back and having the proper prospective to make decisions without gut wrenching anxiety. Please tell me I'm not the only one!! Is this another learning curve of life?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 69-- 30 days to go!!

Day 69---30 more days to go!!! Black leather cork wedges by Nine West. I think this marks the second time I've ever worn these. I don't love them for some reason. But I thought I would pretend it was Summer today and wear a skirt and sandals. Didn't really help though, I froze my buns off!

Phase 1 of Operation Clean Closet is complete! I have brought in my very sturdy clothes rack that I bought many years ago from my retail days and purchased more hanging shoe racks. I organized all my heels and flats in the racks. I did all of this while John was at work and I fully expected him to flip out and make me come up with a different idea especially since this all sits on the wall opposite his side of the bed. But low and behold, he loves it! I think part of the reason is because he has #1 more room in the closet and #2 has his own old hanging shoe rack back finally! So now I am on to the closet which isn't that bad. I had to buy more hangers and I am left to make room for tennis shoes, boots and flip flops...oh and hats (which I have a pretty good collection of also). Hopefully I will be done tomorrow. Here is a picture of my rack...(get your mind out of the gutter! SHOE rack!) Some flats are doubled up and I think there are a few shoes missing because I wasn't completely finished putting them away yet.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 68--Long day....

Day 68---Better late than never, right?! Red leather wedges with silver details by Joan and David. Love, Love, Love the vintage feel of these shoes. They are totally 80's revival!!

My sweet 7 year old daughter Emilia and I had a touching moment yesterday morning while I was getting my makeup on in the bathroom. She looked up at me and said "Mom, I want to be just like you when I grow up." My heart swelled with prided and melted all at once in that moment...until she finished her sentence..."I want to have a hundred pairs of shoes too!" Is that the legacy I am leaving for my children? I really don't think so. I think before this whole blog adventure I don't think my kids were even aware I had an abnormal amount of shoes (I don't think I did either!). I'm sure in 31 more days this silly project will be over and everyone will forget my quiet little obsession.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 67--

Day 67---Black slip-on Crocs. If you hadn't noticed I like to mix it up. It's raining like mad outside!! Not fancy shoe weather....And FYI...Nike Outlet is having an awesome 40% off all their clearance clothes and equipment today.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 66-- Getting closer!!!

Day 66---Silver leather sling back heels by BCBG....I have to admit, up until 5 minutes ago I have been wearing my 10 year old son's Under Armor slip-ons all day. I put them on this morning to take the garbage out and never bothered changing them! These aren't "wear all day shoes" anyways...They are definitely "Goin'in out shoes!"

Operation Clean Closet Update: Shoes are almost organized!! I know you must be on the edge of your seats with anticipation...I'm tackling the rest of the closet tonight. I find that when the rest of my life is a mess around me it's nice that I can direct attention to the one inconsequential aspect that I can control. It makes me feel powerful....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 65-- I think the shoes are taking over....

Day 65---Brushed leather heels by Hype. I love these because of the lacing with the bow in front. They have a 40's vibe to them!

OPERATION CLEAN CLOSET UPDATE: Plan A to use clothes rack to hold all my shoes doesn't look like it's going to fly. Hanging shoe racks are too long....back to the drawing board! May have to convert office into personal walk-in closet....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 64--My dream of becoming a Solid Gold Dancer....

Day 64---Gold cut-out flats by Old Navy. I am realizing that these are in nasty disrepair and will be tossed after today. But I am coming to think that I have a think for metallic shoes...I hadn't noticed before! I think these are my last pair of flats so after today I am stuck with sandals, tennies and heels...OH, MY!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 63-- I may need help....

Day 63---Lavender Snakeskin heels by Nine West. They have a bit of metallic sheen to them. I haven't worn these in forever! I forgot how much I like them.

I am starting a HUGE project tonight. It may take me a few days to complete and will require much sweat equity. I am cleaning and organizing my closet! AGAIN! I clean it all the time, but it just won't stay clean. John is slowly getting inched out and my stuff is taking over not only the closet, but the whole bedroom. I am tempted to bring in the clothing rack I have stashed in the garage that I bought from Jay Jacobs when I worked there many eons ago! I am enclosing some before pictures. I am horrified to have anyone see these but I thought this would keep me honest. If you don't hear from me in 24 hours send paramedics!
My dresser is overloaded with folded clothes with nowhere to go!

Look at that pile of shoes...Yikes!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 62-- What the Duck???

Day 62---For The Ducks!! Who else would have Green suede wedges with yellow detailing? Me, Me, Me!! These are by Kenneth Cole. Go Ducks!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 61--Another day in the life....

Day 61---Burgundy suede mules by Liz Claiborne. These may look familiar because I also have them in leopard print (day 20).

I just found two new shoe related websites that were pretty fun. was the first one I looked up. When you log on it will have you answer a series of multiple answer questions about your own personal style. It will then take that data and determine what your style is and each month compile shoes, handbags and jewelry that they think fits your style that you can purchase for $39.95. It doesn't sound like you are obligated to buy each month, but I'm not sure how I feel about those kind of membership programs. The second was a company that has a website that sells shoe accessories. sells interchangeable accessories for your shoes that can change the styles and looks of your shoes. I really like this one. Most of the looks are on the trendier side but we all need to change it up a bit now and again! You should check that one out if only for some inspiration.