Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 21---Teenagers...Can't live with them...Can't send them to live with strangers

Day 21---Black leather heels by Carlos Santana. These shoes are made for kick'in...so watch out!----who ever thought Carlos Santana would make great shoes? Weird!

Every parent of a teenager knows there comes a time when normal communication seizes with your child. We apparently never understand anymore and are never right so we start picking our battles. My oldest son turned 13 last April. I think on that day my sweet baby boy that I raised for 13 years was replaced with an impostor. He was no longer able to control his mouth or his lanky body! Most days I no longer recognize the boy who used to play Hot Wheels and watched Spongebob and called his friends to "go outside and play". My 6"1' Man-Cub now wears ear-buds 24 hrs a day, needs to start shaving and refuses to talk to me about girls. Come on, it's not that weird! I never thought it would happen, but some days it hard to have normal conversations. Funny enough though we still have a common ground in shoes. He loves to shop for shoes! (He must get that from his Dad) His may be Jordan Basketball shoes (size 13 eek!) and mine are 4 inch heels, but it's still something! He loves to shop online and get my opinion. Sometimes we will go to the mall and he always wants me to go in the shoe stores with him to look. He values my opinion. Since most of the time I'm embarrassing, I'll take what ever I can get.... It's not easy raising a teenager. Most days I want to either wring his neck or send him off to military school. But sometimes, when he doesn't think anyone is watching, and I see him playing with his 3 yr old brother I see my little boy again. Or every once in a while he will surprise me with a big hug, with his arms around my neck, he tell me he loves me and I know he will be back. Until then we will have shoes....

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