Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 14---Where are YOUR treasures stored?

 Day 14-- Another Day, another Boot....Brown Leather and Suede Riding Boots from B.O.C.....I hope everyone is keeping warm and safe out there today :)

Yeah!!! I've had major problems trying to post today. So I am happy that the bugs seem to have worked themselves out and here I am!! It's been a loooong day of wintery weather and 4 kids home from school on Thanksgiving Holiday. Therefore, it's nice to get away by myself for a few minutes.

Since starting this fun little blog I've had quite a few people wonder where I keep my shoes. Saturday night at a friend's house I had Mark Weinberg ask me "Where do you keep all those shoes?" The answer to that is not easy....I have them all over! I have several hanging shoe storage things that have shoes doubled up. I have shoes in bins under my bed. I have sandals in a box in my closet. I have shoes lined up on the floor of my closet and lined up on the shelf above. I have shoes in the garage, downstairs by the front door, in my car and some lined up next to my bed. I probably have shoes hiding under my bed that I haven't even found! It doesn't sound like much of a system, but it seems to work.

Sunday I got up early and got the three youngest kids and I to Church. Seth had a Basketball Tournament that day, so John and I were sent in different directions. The young, hip Pastor came up on stage and began preaching on "Where we have stored our treasures?"....This made me think. Not just a little, but a lot. It hit me like a ton of bricks! "Where am I storing my treasures (shoes)?"....At first it made me feel guilty...overindulgent...greedy...vain. But when I stopped and thought about it I don't think any of those things are true. At least I would hope not. My treasures are deeper than "things". These "things" are not what define me. Those who truly know me, know that this is just something that I enjoy. Something I have always enjoyed, even since childhood. It's not about the money spent, or feeling superior. I love a good garage sale, second hand store and I know many of you can attest that I probably frequent Fred Meyer without makeup too much! So I hope this silly blog doesn't come across as anything other than fun. I love it and I hope everyone that comes across it does too. On the same hand, if I do go too far I would hope that someone would tell me....But remember, always "Speak the truth in Love" (Eph. 4:15)

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