Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 15---Be Thankful For The Little Things

Day 15--Brown Knit Uggs....Not much for style, but dang! my feet are toasty!! I'm noticing that 3 out of 15 shoes so far are brown boots....I need to mix it up!!!

So, I am not much a superstitious person. I don't listen to psychics on the radio or tv. I don't read horoscopes. I do think some things happen for certain reasons that we may never know. My Dad and I took my kids to McDonald's today for Lunch. While we were sitting in the Playland eating (By the way, I think they should give adults McEar-plugs when you go in there!) a lady roughly in her 60's walked by us to dump her garbage. She looked familiar and we struck up a conversation. We figured out how we knew each other and she began to relate how she had lost her Mother in this last year and she was struggling to deal with the loss. She went on to say how in the last few months she has been finding pennies in the oddest places, like sitting on her car seat when she is getting in the car, or on a table when it didn't seem to be there before. She also said that a couple of times her three year old granddaughter has brought her pennies and told her they were from "Grandma". While she was telling the story her eyes were teary and my eyes were welling up along with her. I felt both the grief of losing her Mom and the hope she felt that her Mom was trying to console her. She went on her way and my Dad and I let the kids play another 20 minutes or so. We were the only other people there. While we were packing up to leave my 7 yr old daughter Emilia came to me and said, "remember the lady and the little girl that were talking to you?"...I said yes...She said, "I found this under their table."....And held up a penny....Crazy!!!

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