Day 22---Olive Green Patent Leather flats by Medici. They are not my favorite shoes but they are my favorite color, so there you go!
There are two things that women as a whole are self-conscious about...their weight, and their age (and if they are anything like me you might want to add hair-color in there too). Now I know I'm generalizing, but I guarantee you if you questioned a group of women about those two things you would get some "ughs!" and some eye rolls, maybe some looks of resignation. It's unfair! We as women are not allowed to age gracefully, whereas men become distinguished? Who came up with these rules? It certainly wasn't the women. John is 7 years older than me but he didn't have a fit when he got his first gray hair about 10 years ago. I got my first little wrinkle this year and you would have thought my whole life ended!....You've heard the comments to newlywed husbands that have gained the Newlywed 10'..."Oh...He must be happy!" But when a woman gains some inches to pinch "Wow...can you believe how she's let herself go!" These are huge double standards. Society places this pressure on us, media, our parents, spouses and women most of the time are the biggest judges of each other. As many of my close friends know I've worked hard over the last 3 years to shed all the baby weight that seemed to accumulate over the years. One of the biggest reasons I wanted to lose the weight was so that I could fit into the clothes that I like. I'm still not where I want to be. But I've been proud of what I've accomplished, even while going through some pretty challenging physical difficulties. Through all of this I've had to visit different doctors and try different medications. I had to see a new doctor a couple of weeks ago and he asked me what medications I was on. I listed the two that had been prescribed for me a few weeks prior for migraines. His next statement made me go HUH? "You would have sued me if I put you on those."... Apparently one of the pills causes rapid weight gain and the other rebound headaches! He asked if I had put on any weight recently....and duh...I thought I had just gained 10 pounds overnight! I would like to think I'm not vain, but as you can probably guess, I happily switched medications that same day. I know I've said that I like shoes because they always fit. But I'd like my pants to fit also...
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