Day 16---Happy Thanksgiving!!! You didn't really think I had Turkey shoes, did you??...Bronze metallic pumps by Nine West. Super pointy toes, but unbelievably comfortable (but maybe I'm used to them!)
Just quickly I want to say that I am surprisingly thankful for this Blog. It has fulfilled a creative need that I didn't even know I lacked. Thank you for being patient and kind. I love it that some of you may find some humor and fun in it.....
As you know, today is Thanksgiving. The day to reflect on all the things and people in our lives that bring us comfort and joy and being thankful for them...I find it ironic that the day after this "soul-searching" day there is a day called Black Friday!! Everything about Black Friday is the anti-thesis of Thanksgiving. The racing around to find the "perfect" present at the "perfect" price for either someone else or THEMSELVES!...Dodging ladies who have made their lists, mapped out their stores and have obviously dressed for the athletic event in their running shoes (which I suspect may hide spikes in the soles). I've been there, done it and Lord help me, if the sales are good I will be out there again. I've been yelled at, flipped off, bumped and bruised. So I ask, why do we do this to ourselves?? Is it to save a few bucks? Tradition? Whatever the reason, I ask that you remember to be kind to yourself and others.....Oh, and while you're out shopping, remember my favorite color is green!! Thanks!
Oh I know, as do you sweet daughter, why you brave the "Black Friday Hoardes". I want you to know that your daddy appreciates the risks that you take to find that perfect present, for the perfect price, for the perfect dad. OK, OK, I'm not so perfect. But expressing my grattitude for what you go through to please me at Christmas. Believe I fully understand that you may pick up a few specials for your family as well since your already out there.
Oh and the nine west shoes look ok to.