Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 36---Reuse, Reduce, Recycle...and Repeat

Day 36---"Your Momma wears combat boots!"....OK..they're not beautiful by any stretch of imagination and in my defense I haven't worn them in about 2 yrs. They are comfortable though and after those articles of torture I wore yesterday I think I've earned them! Brown leather ankle boots by Nine West. I've had them for least 10 yrs! Maybe time to donate...

We live in Oregon, The Green State so let's talk about reduce, reuse and recycle. It is hard for me to let go of my "things" sometimes but I do. Donating items to Goodwill or The Arc is a great way to give to worthy organizations that help the less fortunate. And with all the talk about reusing and re functioning second-hand stores, thrift stores and garage sales are not only an economical way to buy, but responsible too. I have gotten some incredible buys at second-hand stores and consignment shops. You can find gently used items and brand new items for a fraction of the retail cost. It's also fun to find treasures in second hand stores, something different that not everyone else has. I happen to love vintage clothes and shoes. You can't buy those new! It takes more shopping (isn't that too bad...) and you can't be always looking for something specific but it's fun to find a great deal on an item that becomes a signature piece in your wardrobe.

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