Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 26---Like Nancy Reagan taught me...Just say no!

Day 26---2 for 1 Day!! Started off the day with Brown Snakeskin heels by Preview International. Had to go straight from Church to BB tournaments so I changed into tan Snakeskin ballet flats by Jessica Simpson...Yes, I am that good!...LOL!!!

Something made stopped me in my tracks while walking through Fred Meyer's the other day. It was a rather large display at the end of a heavily trafficked isle. I usually walk right by those things unless they have something to do with wine or chocolate but this display made me stop and gawk. I was actually tempted to get my camera out of my purse and take a picture of this horrific find. I couldn't believe there was a market out there for this product. I guess I understand the desire for I understand the desire for elastic waist pants at a Vegas Buffet. They were disposable ballet flats that you can keep rolled up in your purse and use, I surmise, when your heels start hurting. They are called Fast Flats and are by Dr. Scholl's. I know a lot of us ladies are going to be wearing height-defying heels to holiday parties in the next few weeks, but I beg you please don't do it!!! I promise, the pain of uncomfortable shoes is short lived, but the shame of wearing disposable shoes lasts a lifetime.

Product Details

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