Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 52--Past coming to an end...New year beginning.

Day 52----Black brushed leather Gerry booty heels by Tahari. Happy New Year's everyone!! May this be a year full of unimaginable opportunities and exciting possibilities.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 51--Must resist buying more shoes........Who am I kidding?

Day 51---Red Crocs...This marks the 2nd time I've ever worn these. I see why they are so popular, they are very comfortable. I had to throw these ones in the mix. I am battling a monster headache today while trying to clean my house for NYE....YIKES!! I would like to be laying on the couch watching chick flicks all day while eating popcorn...I know, very lovely!

If you didn't already know there is an online Shoe Store based in Portland called Solestruck. They used to be out of Tualatin but recently moved to Portland and even have a flagship store front in the area. They sell medium to high market designer shoes with free shipping. Logging on to their website is like stepping into the pages of Alice in Wonderland. Not only is your imagination going to be challenged but your desires (for shoes, that is...) will be awakened. If you haven't found it yet you must check them out. You will find it at:  Or their store front address at :
718 NW 11TH AVE.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 50-- Isn't this the Golden Anniversary? I'll take it in the form of jewelry please....

Day 50---Black Leather boots. I have had these shoes for about 5 years or so and they are my go-to boots. They are comfortable and go with everything. They have a pointy toe which I love. I've worn them so much that I can no longer read who made them!! The only thing I can make out is that it says Sashay by the boot size. I've tried Googling them but couldn't figure it out. I think I bought them at TJ Maxx. I've had to have them resoled twice and re heeled 3 times. I guess I kind of like them...

I bought my new 2011 calendar yesterday. I like to go through it and mark all the dates for the whole year so I am organized (well as organized as I get). Can you believe another year has passed so quickly?? Every year at this time I get out my brand new unused calendar. Carefully unwrapping the plastic wrap I am reminded of the 365 days of possibilities. I love that feeling of looking at the empty calendar and looking forward to a new year of firsts and lasts. This might be the first year that my oldest child goes on a date or the last year my youngest child has to ride in a car seat!! Those mundane accomplishments, no matter how big or how small, define each year. 2010 has been a challenging year for me both emotionally and physically. But I have hope and I have much faith that this next year brings truths that have yet to be revealed and opportunities that are unimaginable. I hope for the same for you.

Another gift from my "Sister" Vanessa...Amen Sister!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 49--Singing The Post-Christmas Blues!!!

Day 49---Black purple and gray Leather strappy heels by Seychelles. I love these Retro looking heels. Very Sassy!

Anybody else struggling with the After-Christmas Blues? I swear the 12 inches of rain we've gotten today hasn't helped either! But I have a couple of sweet gifts sitting by my computer that keep me smiling. My darling friend Vanessa got me a shoe themed wine goblet (she knows me so well) and a cake server that is too cute not to share!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 48--The rain should stay in Spain and fall mainly on the Plains...'Cause I hate it!

Day 48---Black leather strappy wedges by Apostrophe. Not loving these shoes anymore. May be time to toss...But it's so hard to do!!! <insert whiny voice>

I can't believe I'm coming up on the half-way mark soon. I'm starting to think about what I want to do after I have reached 99 and this is over....hmmm....I need some good ideas!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 46-- I'm pullin' myself up by my bootstraps and moving on!

Black leather gathered boots by Nine West. Nice for getting around in the nasty weather today! Hope everyone has recovered nicely from their Christmas festivities....

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 46--Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Day 46---Black Suede wedges by Jeffrey Campbell with embroidery....Learned today that the average American woman owns 19 pairs of shoes. Hey! I'm above average!!! I think I can live with that.

I hope that everyone had a wonderfully merry Christmas today. It was a busy but happy day for the Maxwell Family. I am thankful for a family that can laugh together and enjoy being with each other. That is above all the most important thing for me. All the presents in The World can't replace being rich with love. I am a very blessed Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Aunt and Friend. I wish blessings upon blessing for everyone on this very special day.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 45---Das boots are comfy!!

Day 45---Black suede Uggs with gold stitching. Super comfy...That's what I'm talkin' about today!! Merry Christmas kiddos!

There is a specific reason I wore these boots today. John bought me these Uggs exactly one year ago today for Christmas. It was a rare occasion where we actually got to go shopping alone together all day and we had such a good time shopping and being together. As you can guess the malls were crazy, people were grumpy, parking was a nightmare but it didn't matter. It will go down as one of the best days I've spent with my husband because it's so difficult for us to get that kind of one on one time together. He was dead set on getting me the pair of black Uggs that I wanted and everywhere we went was sold out of my size. John hates to go shopping, but it didn't matter how many stores we went to, he was going to get me what I wanted. That made me feel like a Queen! Now whenever I wear these boots it reminds me of Christmas Eve 2009 and how important my happiness was to John. It's so easy at Christmas time for Mom to get overwhelmed with taking care of everyone else and forget herself. This was one of those years when I got to be taken care of. Priceless!! Merry Christmas everyone!! 

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 44-- Silence is golden but duck tape is silver.

Day 44---Lime green leather mules by Nine West. It's probably time to get rid of these shoes, but they are my favorite color and I wear them a lot in the summer. decisions....decisions....

We are now into day 7 of Christmas Vacation (yes...I said Christmas Vacation, not Winter Break to you PC'ers) and I want to make it perfectly clear that I love my kids with all my heart. I live for my kids. I would gladly give up my life for my kids. But I wonder on days like this why we have such a long vacation before Christmas? Do they want us to HATE our kids before Christmas actually gets here? Like getting ready for Christmas isn't stressful enough...To-do lists a mile long of: shopping...baking...wrapping...addressing cards...making sure all your presents have been shipped and delivered...tracking all the presents you haven't received in the mail yet...teacher presents...Christmas parties...Holiday programs...delivering goodies to and grocery shopping for Christmas morning....and the list goes on and on.....I for one would love to enjoy this time with my four kids without wishing I could duct tape their mouths and tie them up in the corner of a room just so I could get my stuff done. I am blessed with a wonderful family though and I am thankful that I have them to get irritated with and they love me just the same. I am thankful for a husband that senses when I've had enough and tells me to go shopping (yes, he's an enabler!). I am also thankful for this season and the reason why we celebrate. Mercy, Joy and Hope are the greatest gifts we can receive and I hope that we all receive that in abundance this year and all throughout 2011.

I received a Christmas present from my sweet friend Jennifer. I guess something about it made her think of me!

It's an adorable Chocolate Fondue Set. It says I love Shoes and Chocolate. She knows me so well!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 43--All I want for Christmas is more time!

Day 43---Pony and leather mules by Bandolino. So busy today, I'm surprised I even had time to update!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 42-- Hope you have all your shopping done!

Day 42---It was time to get the big guns out today! These babies are not made for walking, so no challenging me to a foot race if you see me out today. Metallic heels by Steve Madden.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 41--Ta Da!! Finally....

Day 41---Gray ballet flats...I'm in a bit of a slump! I will have to remedy that tomorrow...I bought these at TJMaxx a couple of years ago and wear them ALL the time and they show it. I think I may wear gray a bit too much!

Let's talk about good places to buy shoes. I'm a shopper of all things, but shoes in particular. I would love to say that I spend top dollar on all my shoes, but I don't. I am above all things a savvy shopper. I love to find a good deal on quality shoes. Don't bother spending your money on shoes that are going to fall apart after the first wear. You're just throwing your money away. Some of my favorite places to shop are TJMaxx, Nordstrom Rack and Marshall's. I know there are some good online shoe stores like Zappos. I have not tried those only because I enjoy the act of trying on shoes, but I have friends that swear by it and love their return policy. If you're not against it morally buy leather(suede) shoes if you can afford it. Your shoes will hold their shape better and will usually wear longer meaning longer use.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 40-- To blog or not to blog?...that is the question....

Day 40---Finally broke out of the 30's!! Black lace cut leather ballet flats by Nine West. Comfortable enough for baking cookies today.

I have always struggled with self confidence. I realize that writing this blog I am putting myself out on display to be judged which is difficult for me. I am struggling with whether I have anything knowledge relevant to even share with anyone. Creativity is a mighty hard thing to lay out for all to see because really it's your heart and inner most feelings that your willing to reveal to others without knowing whether they will guard it or be horrified. But my feeling is that I will take it day by day. I'm not taking myself or this blog  too seriously. So with some creativity, fashion sense and hopefully sense of humor I take a deep breath and try to forget that I'm scared to death to do this foolish thing and go on! 

Use your imagination not to scare yourself to death but to inspire yourself to life.Adele Brookman

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 39--Let's ride!!

Day 39---Black leather riding boots by M2. I bought these at The Rack a couple of months ago and I've been dying to wear them!!! Enough wearing sandals in the rain. I want to wear boots! I have actually searched for a long time for just the right pair of black riding boots. I wanted the right length with the right heel that didn't have too much embellishment. I think I found the perfect pair for me. I love the lacing detail up the back. I saw a woman wearing the same boot in brown yesterday. I'm going to try to refrain from going out and buying those too!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 38--How now brown shoe?

Day 38---Brown leather sling back ballet flats by A.N.A. Seriously, I think I paid $5 for these at JCPenney a few years ago. But they're real leather and look great with jeans and skirts. Plus I think I owe my feet some down time from those shoes yesterday. Foot rub, anyone??

Why does there never seem to be enough time in the day? I made a To-Do list this morning, have been running all day long and was only able to mark two things off my list! I don't feel like I stopped moving all day and have almost nothing to show for it. Are all other mom's more organized than me or just better at hiding the chaos? John gets upset that I have unfinished projects and I explain that it's on the list it just hasn't made it to the "top" of the list yet. I figure if my family has clean clothes on their body and don't look malnourished I am doing the most important job, anything else is gravy! Hopefully I do this with a smile and a happy heart. I'm trying!! I just wish I had more time to get done all the things I want to do. If anyone has any tricks don't hold back....Let this tired, over-worked and under-paid housewife know your secret!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 37-- I think we've established that I have an affinity for peep-toed shoes.

 Day 37---Black and white peep-toe patent leather wedges by Michael Kors. I love these shoes. I need to wear them more often.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 36---Reuse, Reduce, Recycle...and Repeat

Day 36---"Your Momma wears combat boots!"....OK..they're not beautiful by any stretch of imagination and in my defense I haven't worn them in about 2 yrs. They are comfortable though and after those articles of torture I wore yesterday I think I've earned them! Brown leather ankle boots by Nine West. I've had them for least 10 yrs! Maybe time to donate...

We live in Oregon, The Green State so let's talk about reduce, reuse and recycle. It is hard for me to let go of my "things" sometimes but I do. Donating items to Goodwill or The Arc is a great way to give to worthy organizations that help the less fortunate. And with all the talk about reusing and re functioning second-hand stores, thrift stores and garage sales are not only an economical way to buy, but responsible too. I have gotten some incredible buys at second-hand stores and consignment shops. You can find gently used items and brand new items for a fraction of the retail cost. It's also fun to find treasures in second hand stores, something different that not everyone else has. I happen to love vintage clothes and shoes. You can't buy those new! It takes more shopping (isn't that too bad...) and you can't be always looking for something specific but it's fun to find a great deal on an item that becomes a signature piece in your wardrobe.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 35--It's cool to be uncool!

Day 35---Metallic leather platform slings by Pour La Victoire. These are french heels that have a hidden platform and a wooden heel with an elastic sling. They are a work of art and a b**** to walk in!...but what are you going to do? If anyone knows a trick to keep the elastic to stay put while I'm walking let me know. I would be forever indebted to you.

These black ones are calling me....

Pour La Victoire Fairfax SKU: #7675106
(based on 1 customer review)

  1. In Stock and Ready to Ship!
    Sold by Zappos Retail, Inc.
  2. B

So I said it...As soon as it came out of my mouth I knew it was too late. I had already put it out there and I couldn't take it back. Even by saying it I had my answer and by the look of horror on Seth's face I knew the answer and it wasn't going to be in my favor. But my curiosity got the better of me. I had to know!! I now know that if you have to ask your teenager if you are a cool parent the answer is automatically no and listing the reasons that you are as if you are running for class president is even a bigger no (I think I almost had him with me reminding him that I got voted "Best Dressed" in High School but I think that he was just humoring me). I don't know, maybe once you become a parent you become uncool by default? And maybe it's not really important to begin with. What is important is that my kids know that we've been there. We're not so old and stuffy that we don't understand what they're going through. My goodness, some days it seems like it was just yesterday! My hope is that my kids can feel safe to come to us and know that we are their biggest advocates, cheerleaders, encouragers and protectors. I'm sure it's great to be the cool parent that wears all the best fashions and listens to the current music and lets their kids do whatever they want, but if your kids don't trust you to be there for them when things get tough (and they will get tougher than you know) all those "cool" things don't matter.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 34--Practicality won out today....but there's always tomorrow!!

Day 34--Black leather ballerina flats by Ann Taylor Loft. Perfect for all the running around I have to do today. I'm trying to get ready for Christmas!!

I have a 7 yr old daughter, Emilia Belle. I always tell my husband that I would love to spend a day living in Emme's world because I'm sure it's filled with rainbows and butterflies. She has the most creative and beautiful mind. She sees the good in everyone she meets and has the ability to overlook the bad. She's overly dramatic which irritates her three brothers to the edge of insanity, but she is also keenly aware of other people's feelings. Her creativity and eye for all things beautiful are of course reflected in the way she dresses. I guess I as her mom should restrain her a bit more, and I do on occasion, but I love to admire what she puts together. She changes her clothes several times a day (I think my Mother just peed her pants laughing because she knows I'm getting my payback) and has shoes and clothes strewn all over her room. I'm sure some day we will have a battle over shoes the way mom and I did when I was growing up. I just hope we wear the same size!

I found this picture that Emme must have taken of her shoes months ago...She must have known I was going to start a blog someday!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 33-- The shoes that saved me.

Day 33---Blue and White Ride 2 Running shoes by Saucony.

I know I am probably disappointing some with these shoes. They are not beautiful to look at, have no sex-appeal and really have only a single purpose. They are work horse shoes! They get the job done. They happen to also be one of my favorite shoes I own and will probably have the hardest time getting rid of them someday. A little over 3 years ago I was driving to meet some girlfriends for dinner. On the drive there I was thinking how fed up I was with the extra baby weight (around 60 lbs!) I was carrying around. I was constantly down on myself, how I looked and I felt. It was time to do something about it. When I got to the restaurant I announced to Jennifer and Rebecca that this was going to be my "Last Supper" and I was going to lose the weight. I started exercising slowly and gradually worked my way up to running. These are my first pair of big girl running shoes. When I look at them I am reminded of how far I've come and how much I've gone through in the last 3 years. It's been challenging and continues to be challenging physically since being in an auto accident 2 years ago left me with constant pain in my neck and shoulders. But when I lace up these shoes I am reminded how far I've come, how strong I am, how much determination I have and how one decision can change your life. And while they are not the most beautiful shoes I own, in a strange way I am thankful for these shoes because they helped me save myself.

Request for Your Free TOMS Shoes Bracelet new sample
Get your free TOMS Shoes bracelet today! To get yours, just go to their site and click on the white/blue bracelet image. Because the page scroll through several images, you may have to wait for it to brink up the free bracelet offer. Of course, if you would like to support their cause of matching every pair of TOMS purchased with a pair of new shoes to a child in need, then you can do so with this free coupon code (AFFTM5) for $5 off your very own pair of TOMS Shoes. It's an accessory that makes a great addition to almost any outfit! Plus a child somewhere will thank you for it.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 32---The dogs are tired and need a rest!

Day 32---Pink knit Uggs. I had to give my feet some rest after standing in those heels last night for 4 hrs. Well worth it though!!...and yes, I have these in brown too...and yes, I have a sickness....

Here are some great shoe-related Christmas ideas:

High-heel Christmas stocking
Shoe cookie cutters
High Heel Shoe Cookie Cutter (mini)